Until midnight at SLOWSHIRTS.COM, receive 29% off your order when you enter code phrase "HappyBirthdayArlo" during checkout. Get a jump on your holiday shopping!
Slow Loris was started in Oakland Ca. in 1997 by Jessica Lynch. Re-locating to Guemes island, Slow Loris continued production, screen printing drawings onto shirts, paper and clothing for people around the world, and for touring bands like "Tv on the Radio". While keeping true to the hand made quality (no computers are ever used for design making) Jessica had her "hands" full and in 2007 teamed up with good friend Arlo Rumpff. Arlo had been a fisherman in the Bering sea, and brought his hard working enthusiasm to Slow Loris just in time. He learned how to screen print, (he's better than JEssica now) models most of the shirts on the web site, and deals with a lot of the business side of Slow Loris, a part of the job Jessica was NEVER good at. Team Slow was now complete.
Any average workday in the studio consists of drawing, singing, printing, and beach walks with a bunch of dogs. There's also a pig named Marnie-biddles who likes to observe through the windows and get into things, (this makes Jessica somewhat crazy, but she still loves him).
Today we're celebrating Arlo's 29th Birthday!
Until midnight at SLOWSHIRTS.COM, receive 29% off your order
when you enter code phrase "HappyBirthdayArlo" during checkout.
Get a jump on your holiday shopping!