Tuesday, March 23, 2010

We rode the roller-coaster when we went to Vegas last month.
We didn't go to gamble, we went to RIDE!
Just kidding, I gambled $3 dollars and Arlo lost $60.
Highlights of the trip were visiting the POOL tradeshow, big burgers, sitting by an actual pool in semi-warm weather, sleeping inside a pyramid, awesome cabbies, eating tacos and drinking beers, checking out dead bodies and the titanic exhibit, riding a roller-coaster, learning how to play blackjack and crazy carpet patterns.
Lowlights were, never breathing real air, never seeing the light of day, a horrible carry-on bag, blinking lights and blinging bells, long customer service lines, & not getting the two queen beds in the spa suite we were promised.
All n' all, GOOD TIMES!

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