Tuesday, October 01, 2002

stephen is adding new photos to the slowshirts photo section over the next week, so go check out scenes from the recent brit invasion! here's a little insight.. bars, beer, basil , bathroom graffitti and boats.
(this is all i can give up right now. you must check out em' out and see for yourself.)
i had a great weekend with my mail order friends from seattle! thanks cori, jenny and johnny!
we saw music, (ilovepolkadotchokealot) skater girls, drank at jock bars,
raided the goodwill, ten hours of olympia homo madness, visited spar bar heaven, went bush jumping! (ilovefemaleofficer's) and went back in time to highschool!
donuts, well drinks, pholympia, onion rings, water fountains, naps and taco smell fueled our journey. wow.
if you too would like your mother to travel to the future and purchase some nice people who will like you and be your friend, contact alex
dunn at mcadunn@hotmail.com and he'll tell you how! it really works!

the casa que pasa show IS down! thanks casa staff for everything. photo's of the show will be up soon.

well it's starting to get cold here on guemes, and heated nights are again in demand. good bye summer, i'm off to go hunt down some firewood.

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